Discussion topic: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

This message was authored by FunkyL This message was authored by: FunkyL

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Had an update at some point in the last few days (to 508). Tried setting Souond to Auto today... still way out.  Whatever fix was meant to be in there obviously does not work. 

This message was authored by CPoin This message was authored by: CPoin

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Update landed on my puck this morning. Plugged the Sonos Beam back into the TV by HDMI, switched the puck back to passthrough and it's working fine so far. Some annoying crackling whenever changing streams but lip sync is spot on now. 

This message was authored by Matt+Nunns This message was authored by: Matt+Nunns

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Mine seems good now as well with latest update, big delay between turning it on and audio coming out, but can live with that, can now rewind/pause and still have audio! 

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Am still on 1.2. Hopefully soon

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

@CPoin wrote:

Update landed on my puck this morning. Plugged the Sonos Beam back into the TV by HDMI, switched the puck back to passthrough and it's working fine so far. Some annoying crackling whenever changing streams but lip sync is spot on now. 

What about lip sync when you choose the other audio output options other than passthrough & PCM? As this is where most people have been having troubles. 

Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Ultrafast
This message was authored by David190512 This message was authored by: David190512

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

UI update has landed on one of 3 boxes and does seem better 

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Still for me QS027 and UI 20.284

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Mand This message was authored by: Mand

The timing between sound and vision on tv is wrong

When tv sound is playing it does not match the lips being spoken by people on tv

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: The timing between sound and vision on tv is wrong

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mand  Welcome to the forum. This is a very long thread so to save you having to wade through it; this is a known issue which Sky are trying to resolve.  They advise that as a temporary workaround you change your audio settings to PCM or Passthrough.


There is currently an update (QS028) bring rolled out and whilst there is not a specific fix for the lip sync issue I have found it resolved the problem on my setup.  However, other subscribers have not been so lucky.


If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
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This message was authored by DaveH765 This message was authored by: DaveH765

Lip sync sky puck uk

  • Anyone having problems with lip sync, ive tried everything sky suggest and it doesn't work, if I watch BBC it's fine, as soon as I move to other channels like Discovery HD it's out by a country mile, getting very frustrated now. I'm using high speed hdmi to bose 900 soundbar.


This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Lip sync sky puck uk

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DaveH765 wrote:
  • Anyone having problems with lip sync, ive tried everything sky suggest and it doesn't work, if I watch BBC it's fine, as soon as I move to other channels like Discovery HD it's out by a country mile, getting very frustrated now. I'm using high speed hdmi to bose 900 soundbar.


there is a thread on the sky stream forum specifically for this issue although I'm not sure it affects sky glass. I have a feeling this is more to do with your setup using a soundbar.


In the settings there is a section for adjusting the sound delay which you could use to re sync your sound. I am assuming that without the soundbar the sound is fine. 

you should also plug the soundbar into hdmi 2 which is the E arc hdmi socket 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Lip sync sky puck uk

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Ah .... I have just re read your post .... you have a sky puck. This is the sky glass forum 


@GD1  can you merge with the main thread in the stream forum 



things a known issue that seemed to be fixed in the firmware update .... not all devices have received the update as yet


you can try changing the setting in the audio settings to pass through which should give you a temporary fix 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by JasonLee This message was authored by: JasonLee

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Just received Q28 update and was hoping it would resolved the lip sync issue. Sadly not, and had to revert back to PCM Stereo to be useable. Come on Sky as this has been months now and still no word!

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JasonLee  I don't believe the new update specifically included a fix but it seems to have resolved the lip sync issue for some customers and not others. I am one of the lucky ones and have not noticed the problem since receiving the update and I have now changed my audio settings back to auto.   I'm guessing it has something to do with individual TV/puck setups.

If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
If it has helped please give it a "Like"
This message was authored by Dom35 This message was authored by: Dom35

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Ive been away for a few weeks and was hopeful updates may have solved the issue for me - sadly not - setting back to auto and the synch is miles out !! Back to pcm stereo for me .

come on Sky sort this out please 


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