Discussion topic: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Sheath1  As mentioned a number of times in this thread a temporary solution is to change your Audio settings to PCM or passthrough (see which works best for you). Ther solutions are not ideal but are better than watching with lip sync.


Sky are aware and are working to find a permanent solution. Good luck 🤞

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This message was authored by ken+mackenzie This message was authored by: ken+mackenzie

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issue







GIVEN YOU MONEY FOR OVER 25 years And this is the Service 💩💩💩💩💩💩


This message was authored by RogerBartlett This message was authored by: RogerBartlett

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Have reported a problem with sound sync and just read the suggested solution. I am not going to get up on a step ladder to turn off the puck. I am not impressed with the response by Sky to the numerous complaints raised on this issue. I signed up this week and received my tv and puck yesterday. You now have 31 days to get this sorted out or you can have the lot back !!!
This message was authored by Luke831 This message was authored by: Luke831

Re: When watching programmes on Sky Stream the sound is out of sync with the picture.

Massive problem with this,  it's infuriating to say the least. I've tried resetting,  directly plugging in with a hdmi cable, adjusting the sound delay but I just cannot get the picture and sound to match.  It's a ridiculous issue to have when the sound and picture is the very product we're paying for 

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: When watching programmes on Sky Stream the sound is out of sync with the picture.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Luke831  There are multiple threads on this issue on the forum.  The problem has been ongoing for a while and many people, including me, found the last update (QS028) resolved the issue for them.  However this is certainly not the case for everyone.


Sky have suggested that as a temporary workaround whilst the find a permanent solution you try changing your audio setting to either PCM or passthough (see which one works best for you).  This can be changed at Settings > Picture & Sound > Digital audio output HDMI.

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This message was authored by NL77 This message was authored by: NL77

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

We have had Sky Stream for a less than a week and have ready noticed lip synch issues; I'm currently watching Wimbledon and the the ball is over the net before we hear the sound of it being hit by racket. I will look thogub this thread to try any suggested fixes but an update from Sky on this would be appreciated - I am beginning to regret our decision to switch. 

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@NL77 Whilst it can be annoying a temporary solution is mentioned a number of times in this thread.  See post 351 (page 24) for an official reply from Sky.  In addition to their solution you can also try your audio settings on Passthrough to see if that is better then PCM.

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This message was authored by ken+mackenzie This message was authored by: ken+mackenzie

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

How long is temporary 

A company with their revenues and techies should be able to solve this much quicker 

give it to an Asian tech team and get a quicker solution 


This message was authored by NL77 This message was authored by: NL77

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Thanks - yes we're going through the thread now and trying all the fixes - hopefully we can improve things! 

This message was authored by Chris4Stream This message was authored by: Chris4Stream

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Hi @Fothergill1 

I know you are not a Sky employee, and are trying your best to keep forum members informed and upto date, but Sky Stream users are getting fed up at the lack of response from Sky on this issue.


What seems stranges to me is that there seems to be even more users complaining in the last week?


Sky needs to put out an offical message....

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Chris4Stream  I know it was not the same for all users but many people (including myself) found that the last update (QS028) resolved the issue.  Personally I have not had any lip sync since receiving that update.  I am aware that Sky are working to find a permanent solution but in the meantime have offered the workaround as previously mentioned.

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This message was authored by Andrew1960 This message was authored by: Andrew1960

Lip sync with the puck will not match up

I have tried many times to get the sync matching with the time and the lips but too no avail. The guys in the sky store said I need a new puck but can't get through to anyone. 

This message was authored by ken+mackenzie This message was authored by: ken+mackenzie

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Perhaps they should have a new branded logo

Sky Puck "works mostly nothing "

This message was authored by Chris4Stream This message was authored by: Chris4Stream

Re: Lip sync with the puck will not match up


For complete transparency, Im not having the issue.


However is there someway we can help Sky collect feedback from forums users?


It feels like there are so many angry Sky subscribers?

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Lip sync with the puck will not match up

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Chris4Stream  Although Sky do not often post on the fourm, which is essentially a customer help customer forum, the moderators to keep an eye on the posts looking out for common issues.  Also the Superusers will report on the closed forum if we notice new issues developing.


I understand your comment about angry subscribers however it should be appreciated that subscribers mostly come on the forum searching for help when they have problems which makes it appear as though everyone is upset.  In reality the vast majority of Sky subscribers have no issues and are completely happy and so do not come on the forum (if that makes sense).  On a personal note I have had my fair share of issues with Glass and Stream but would not consider returning to Sky Q as I find the streaming platform far more convenient.


Anyway, good luck and hopefully happy viewing.

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