Discussion topic: Idea: Making Sky Stream like Sky Q

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Idea: Making Sky Stream like Sky Q

Sky can't control the BBC policy on on-demand content access... the BBC does not allow cloud recording of this content🤔


Recording of OTA broadcasts and cable broadcasts are legacy from the past ... both are may not possible in not to distant future😉

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Idea: Making Sky Stream like Sky Q

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Bill051 wrote:

Personally I wouldn't pay more. I'm thinking of something like "Match of the day" which is available for a week. On Virgin I could record and pick which ones I wanted to keep. I suppose the same applies on sky Q? This season I am recording it on my Humax.

Is there a difference in the sgnal that comes down Sky's and Virgin's wires?

You ll find Virgin are slowly moving towards the streaming platform with their (newish) stream box. I would imagine very soon  they will begin phasing out their (rather outdated) 360 pvr boxes 

43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by Ellie_TV This message was authored by: Ellie_TV

Re: Idea: Making Sky Stream like Sky Q

Yeah, everything's going the way of the stream... give it another few years and we'll start to see the phasing out of DTT and Freesat tuners on all smart TVs. There'll be no option other than Freely for free-to-air viewing. The ability to record in the traditional sense will disappear. 

Maybe eventually we'll see Sky try to partner up with some TV manufacturers to offer their own Entertainment OS built into a Samsung, Sony or LG TV? That would be very cool. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by spannernick1 This message was authored by: spannernick1

Re: Idea: Making Sky Stream like Sky Q

I just got Sky Stream devivered instead of Sky Q, shame but Sky Stream is just as good, It does have Timeshifing on its live TV, I tested it with ITV1, it sometimes jumps but that because I have to use my phone as the router(a Hotspot)atm, if the phone is to far a way from the puck it stats to malke the picture jump(so picture stops for a second then the sound stops then it plays again like its jumping a frame), waiting for Sky Broadband on the 26 to be turned on, I got the new router now.
First time I used Sky Stream, it would of been better if it had the same interface as Sky Q and had the options on the left of the screen,(TV Guide , Catchup..etc) it just show a load of programes on the screen, it looks a bit like the Amazon Fire Stick GUI, to much really, but people copy people.. 🙂 I still think it should look like Sky Q, I love its GUI... 🙂 I remeber when Sky Box had no GUI or TV Guide, Sky Plus intoduced the TV Guide, it was the best thing Sky made.. 🙂 anyone remeber the Sky Open keyboard, it was blue... ?.. 🙂

The remote needs a source button like on Sky Q remote. bottom left, you can't change the source on the TV, HDMI1, HDMI2..etc... so to change it I have to use the SKY Q remote, werid... 🙂


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