Discussion topic: I had sky stream installed on the 24th last week and have have the picture on the tv drop out

This message was authored by DanielPridmore This message was authored by: DanielPridmore

I had sky stream installed on the 24th last week and have have the picture on the tv drop out

Also the sound sometimes slows down to what's showing on screen 


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This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: I had sky stream installed on the 24th last week and have have the picture on the tv drop out

@DanielPridmore wrote:

Also the sound sometimes slows down to what's showing on screen 

What speed of broadband do you have? Are you connected via WiFi or ethernet? Sky Stream relies entirely on your broadband being fast and stable in order to function with any sort of reliability. 

To find the speed reaching the puck, open the Netflix app, navigate to the get help menu and run a network check. 

Ideally you want to have at least 30Mbps but preferably a lot more if you have other devices using your broadband at the same time. 


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