Discussion topic: Delete program Paramount+ from Sky Stream home.

This message was authored by Hilde This message was authored by: Hilde

Delete program Paramount+ from Sky Stream home.

Hi all. I've read the topic where someone asked how to remove a program from CW (continue watching) on Sky Stream but the help given is not working for me. I started watching a program on Paramount+ and it appeared in my CW. Later on I continued to watch the show by directing going to Paramount+ app rather than CW. I finished the entire season of the show but CW keeps showing the one episode that I had started watching before (season 2 ep 1 of a show) I tried forwarding the episode to the end, but it is still there on CW.  I forwarded the same show again to the end and also the last episode of the series to the end but still it shows S2Ep1 on CW.  Paramount+ doesn't seem to have a CW on their app at all and I tried on laptop on Paramount+ website but also no CW at all there.  I don't know what to do to make it go away. It's starting to annoy me.  Is the only way to remove it from CW to actually let the entire season 2 run again? I also tried to let the next episode run (ep 3 after ep2) in the hope it would change anything but even after running ep3, the home screan on Sky Stream still shows ep2 on CW.  😞  Is there anyone who can help me please? Thanks.

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Delete program Paramount+ from Sky Stream home.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Based on my experience with paramount + shows they tend to automatically disappear from the CW rail if you don't watch them for around a month.


I don't know exactly what the timeframe but I do know that I've had Paramount shows that I haven't watched in about 4-5 weeks suddenly disappear from my continue watching rail. Whether this is a general paramount thing or was just complete pot luck I've no idea. 

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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