Discussion topic: Can't get discovery plus

This message was authored by Gail268 This message was authored by: Gail268

Can't get discovery plus

Can't open discovery+


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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Can't get discovery plus

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Gail268  You don't mention it but if you moved from Sky Q to Glass/Stream all your Marketplace subscriptions are cancelled so you have to re-register (see the following link) 



Whether this is the case or not you should be able to register (or re-register) as follows:


Go to the bottom of the home page and select the following in this order: MySky / your products / (enter your PIN) / App Subscriptions 


Select App subscriptions / Current / and then Discovery + Monthly.  Hopefully it will say £0 per month whilst you have a Sky TV subscription.  If so select Activate subscription.


Also, see the following link: 



Good luck 🤞

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