Discussion topic: Can I get sky stream upstairs?

This message was authored by Speedy_days This message was authored by: Speedy_days

Can I get sky stream upstairs?

I'm coming back  to sky after a lot of years off and have just received my sky stream. I want to set it up downstairs but also be able to watch it upstairs. 
We won't need to watch it at the same or watch two different things at once, it'll be we either watch downstairs or upstairs. Is this possible without paying more money?

Best Answers
This message was authored by CoffeeDrinker This message was authored by: CoffeeDrinker Answer

Re: Can I get sky stream upstairs?

Without paying for Whole Home, your only choice would be to physically unplug the Stream box and move it between TVs when you want to swap over.


Sky Go would work on an Apple TV or similar but you;d need to pay for Whole Home at that point, so you may as well have a second Stream puck.



Sky Glass & Streak Puck customer w/Sky Entertainments & Netflix, Sky Cinema, Whole Home & UHD/Dolby Atmos add-on.

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This message was authored by CoffeeDrinker This message was authored by: CoffeeDrinker Answer

Re: Can I get sky stream upstairs?

Without paying for Whole Home, your only choice would be to physically unplug the Stream box and move it between TVs when you want to swap over.


Sky Go would work on an Apple TV or similar but you;d need to pay for Whole Home at that point, so you may as well have a second Stream puck.



Sky Glass & Streak Puck customer w/Sky Entertainments & Netflix, Sky Cinema, Whole Home & UHD/Dolby Atmos add-on.
This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Can I get sky stream upstairs?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Yes, you can unplug the puck and move it between television sets, as long as each location has sufficient WiFi coverage.


It's best to spend a few pounds on an HDMI port saver if you are going to do that, because otherwise the built-in HDMI socket is likely to become degraded over time.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2

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