@steve30x wrote:
@TimmyBGood wrote:
I'd suggest the limited penetration of 4K Blu-ray players into the domestic market (which is never going to improve as optical media dies a slow death from streaming) means Sky just don't see the point in taking up warehouse space with disks that will never get ordered.
You didn't really make a suggestion. You make a remark though.
I always find it amusing when some people with no interest in physical media likes to claim that Blu Rays and DVD's are dying a slow death. I'm subscribed to two different Youtube channels and theres a whole lot more of them which announce what Blu Rays and 4K Blu Rays are announced every week and they upload videosof what Blu rays and 4K Blu Rays are coming for pre order months ahead of time.
You just have to look at the MovieGuy265 channel. He uploads a video every mobday of what videos that are coming to Blu ray and 4K Blu Ray. In Fact the new Disney CEO said a few weeks ago that he regrets that Disney focused mostly on Streaming and digital media and going forward they will start putting their back catalog and future films on Blu ray and 4K Blu ray.
You would be surprised how many people will order discs still. Maybe you don't have interest in discs but theres a lot of people who do. When I look at the SKY Store and I see a movie for sale as digital only or DVD and Digital I have no interest in it. I will buy either Standard Blu Ray or 4K Blu ray
I am one of the people who still buys DVDs/Blu-ray & UHD discs & prefer the quality of both video but mainly the audio they give but I do have to share @TimmyBGood 's views that the numbers in general are declining
There is a core of enthusiasts who like us buy discs but we should be under no illusion that it is not declining
As I say I am big collector of discs but even I find I am buying less & will consider just online / digital purchases for some titles where I don't think the blu-ray or 4K discs are worth the price difference
I am sure there will be a market for phyiscal media for quite a while to cater for enthusiasts but it will decline as viewing habits change and online streaming improves
P.S When not buying discs, I tend to buy digital versions via Amazon & often find I can buy HD digital versions of TV shows only availble on DVD rather than Blu-Ray (& thus pooer quality on disc)
Edit: Perhaps I should also mention that I suspect many people who do buy 4K discs find the costs very high & may be like myself that wait for offers on many that I buy rather than always buy on release at full price - if SKY were to offer 4K would likely to remain full price