Discussion topic: Suggest 4K Blu Rays

This message was authored by steve30x This message was authored by: steve30x

Suggest 4K Blu Rays

O've suggested this a few years ago but I'll suggest it again. Now that we have UHD movie downloads from the SKY Store how about making it possible to buy 4K Blu Ray disc movies too? Most movies being released and some new TV shows are being released on 4K Blu ray and theres 4K Blu Rays of older movies being released all the time too. I know some people will see no point in 4k Blu Rays because streaming and all that but at the end of the day 4K Blu Rays have better picture and audio than the same streamed movie and every streaming service has a 4K HDR movie available for a set time. When you own the movie on 4K Blu ray you can watch it any time you want even if its no longer available on a streaming service. When I shop for blu rays in the past two years I always try to buy the film on 4K Blu Ray if its available on 4K Blu Ray

SKY Q 2TB 32B064
LG 50UQ7006
Sony STR DN1020