Discussion topic: Blu-Ray Cancellation

This message was authored by JoeBam This message was authored by: JoeBam

Blu-Ray Cancellation

I had preordered Spider-Man No Way Home "digital and Blu Ray". 
Payment was taken on the 13/5 and access to the digital version was available upon release and is still on my Sky Devices.


I thought I was still awaiting my BluRay but having just accessed my account I have seen that apparently my order has been cancelled, yet I had not requested this and I have not been refunded any differences in costs.


Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Blu-Ray Cancellation

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

The only way to find out why this is happened is to get in contact with Sky Store support, they have a live chat available that is open from 11am - 7pm each day and can be found here:



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