Discussion topic: Son has made purchases in Sky Store amounting to £100 - Live Chat not helpful...

This message was authored by DK0904 This message was authored by: DK0904

Son has made purchases in Sky Store amounting to £100 - Live Chat not helpful...

My five year old son has been given the pin code by his older sister and without realising what he was doing, has purchased just under £100 worth of films.


I contacted Sky Store's Live Chat to try and see if they could refund this, but they were less than helpful. The agent spent most of the time saying they would have to disable the Sky Store on our Sky Box, while repeatedly avoiding the question of whether they could refund me for this genuine error. I stated that i'd be happy to change my own pin to avoid this happening again but they kept going on about this. Eventually the agent said they'd be able to offer £25 but that I would have to disable my Sky Store services permanently. I was polite throughout, hoping for some goodwill - oh well!


I appreciate that this is a mistake on my part allowing the kids to know the pin code but I assumed there would be some common sense on their part. I have had a similar instance with Apple and they were able to rectify this pretty quickly.


Am I completely snookered on this? I could almost accept taking some kind of hit on the movies but £75 feels like a hell of a lot and i'm completely thrown by this idea that they would only refund me if I accepted having my ability to purchase from Sky Store again taken away from me.


This all happened as the Live chat was closing at 7:30pm - I didn't take their offer and am hoping to get a little more common sense tomorrow.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Son has made purchases in Sky Store amounting to £100 - Live Chat not helpful...

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DK0904 wrote:

Am I completely snookered on this? I could almost accept taking some kind of hit on the movies but £75 feels like a hell of a lot and i'm completely thrown by this idea that they would only refund me if I accepted having my ability to purchase from Sky Store again taken away from me.

All we can suggest is to either try using the live chat again tomorrow or perhaps give them a call instead but if they will not budge that you will have a decision to make.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by DK0904 This message was authored by: DK0904

Re: Son has made purchases in Sky Store amounting to £100 - Live Chat not helpful...

Yes certainly going to try live chat tomorrow. Would rather not have to call and waste my money on the phone to them.


Kicking myself but really quite shocked at the way they dealt with things. 

This message was authored by JOHNLOW1978 This message was authored by: JOHNLOW1978

Re: Son has made purchases in Sky Store amounting to £100 - Live Chat not helpful...

Hi if your that concerned about paying the £100 id personally be ringing them and even if you spent 2 hours on the phone it'd be worth it surely and i can totally sympathise with you but have a think about how many times they get contacted about this sort of thing everyday, people havinf films and then saying kids did it can i get a refund lol
Topic Author
This message was authored by DK0904 This message was authored by: DK0904

Re: Son has made purchases in Sky Store amounting to £100 - Live Chat not helpful...

Yea appreciate that it is, frankly, my own fault. Just thought there's be some mechanism for mistakes of this ilk, ala Apple where you be refunded for apps purchased by kids. But the suggestion is that when you pruchase a movie the money goes straight to the movie studio and hence they have no control over refunding.


Called up and ended up getting £50 back, which feels like a victory in the grand scheme of things. Means I dont have to be raging with a 5 year old for pressing some buttons 😂


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