Discussion topic: Rental refund

This message was authored by ChrisCotter86 This message was authored by: ChrisCotter86

Rental refund

We ordered the rental fast and the furious 9 yesterday and downloaded it overnight as we struggle to stream whilst watching. Went to watch it tonight and put pin in to agree to £15.99rental price. Movie says 100% downloaded all complete but after 20mins it just freezes and then goes back to beginning of film. I've now been on hold for 1hr 30mins our evenings ruined and just the simple act of getting a refund for my rental is impossible. Frustrated with how difficult Sky make it to just talk to someone and resolve this issue. Worst bit is when technical said they couldn't help and would put me through to someone else they then tried to upsell me on my current package. Why on earth would I upgrade/renew a contract when my problem is not being dealt with. 


All Replies

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Rental refund

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ChrisCotter86  I'm afraid you're not talking directly to Sky, we are all customers here.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
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This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds

Re: Rental refund

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @ChrisCotter86 


It sounds like your download is corrupted. You may need to delete it completely from your box. Do this by deleting it - then go to recordings / managed / deleted and choose "delete forever"


then download it again 



If that doesn't work or you run out of rental time,  I would suggest live chatting to the Skystore team on this link 





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Topic Author
This message was authored by ChrisCotter86 This message was authored by: ChrisCotter86

Re: Rental refund

Thanks I know, can't find any other way to get to them still on hold 1hr 41mins now and it's nice to vent. 

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Rental refund

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ChrisCotter86  Try @mike+simmonds  advice to see if this resolves the issue.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

Topic Author
This message was authored by ChrisCotter86 This message was authored by: ChrisCotter86

Re: Rental refund

Thanks Mike for the link I've been trying to find a live chat. If they had it easier on their website I may have been able to speak to someone whilst they were still open when the problem occurred. I'll try again tomorrow. Cheers. 👍🏻

This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds

Re: Rental refund

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

My experience @ChrisCotter86 is that I can normally get through on live chat in about 2/3 minutes - but I also think livechat is only staffed till 8pm. So it may be that your request is for a refund / repeat rental when you get through 

Sky customer since 1989.
Sky Q 2TB main box
LG CX6LA from 2020

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Rental refund

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Did you try deleting it and downloading it again ?

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