Discussion topic: Rearranging the order of purchases on sky store app

This message was authored by RCoup This message was authored by: RCoup

Rearranging the order of purchases on sky store app

Is it possible to rearrange the order of purchase in my library on the sky store app, cause it always goes in order of your most recent purchase whereas I would, if possible like to have it a-z or at least 'hide' titles (like prime video does) from the list of purchases made.

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This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds Answer

Re: Rearranging the order of purchases on sky store app

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @RCoup 


Certainly on the iPhone app - top right there is a drop down menu and you can choose to have your purchases either in date order - or - A-Z order 


edit: note to self - must watch Being There, Cloud Atlas and Contact again (Arthur Christmas- not so much ) 




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