Discussion topic: Can’t view purchase (using my £28 point voucher)on sky box

This message was authored by Squires2018 This message was authored by: Squires2018

Can’t view purchase (using my £28 point voucher)on sky box

Hi, I have a £28 sky store voucher which I have applied to my account. I've hired a movie via the sky store website and I can't find how to send it to my skybox. Please help.


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This message was authored by Squires2018 This message was authored by: Squires2018

Re: Can’t view purchase (using my £28 point voucher)on sky box

I was told  all I had to do was order normally in sky store  but now looks like I have to use voucher .  So I have now tried the correct way and it shows that I've rented a movie but won't let me view the movie and won't let me send it to my sky box which is what I want to do

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Can’t view purchase (using my £28 point voucher)on sky box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


You have done everything correct with regards to the voucher and using it but:


With rented films that can only be viewed where they were rented so you can not send these to your Sky box. If you have a LG TV that has the inbuilt Sky Store app or Chromecast you can view them back via your TV.


Buy and Keep films can be sent to your Sky box.


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