Discussion topic: erratic fast forward and back on both mini boxes but good on main box

This message was authored by Griptightthing This message was authored by: Griptightthing

erratic fast forward and back on both mini boxes but good on main box

Both on ethernet and wifi both miniboxes have very erratic fast forward and back making recording viewing impossible.  Fine on main box. Live tv on both mini boxes is fine. Reset all boxes and made sure sw is up to date. ( I thought this was done automatically but seems not). Don't want to reset hard drive unless I have too.



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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: erratic fast forward and back on both mini boxes but good on main box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Griptightthing wrote:

Both on ethernet and wifi both miniboxes have very erratic fast forward and back making recording viewing impossible.  Fine on main box. Live tv on both mini boxes is fine. Reset all boxes and made sure sw is up to date. ( I thought this was done automatically but seems not). Don't want to reset hard drive unless I have too.

Hi @Griptightthing 


With the mini box on with green led try completly resetting your mini Bluetooth remotes.
Press and hold 7 & 9 together on the remote until it’s led flashes four times.
Then make sure that you are pointing your remote at the mini box and press 1 & 3 together until the remote led flashes and follow onscreen instructions to re- pair to your television.

Failing this you could try a Reset Settings in each mini box hidden menu if you have only tried rebooting to reset.
To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
Select Reset settings in the following menu.
After the Reset you will have to re pair your mini Bluetooth remotes again.
If you cannot switch the Q box on with the remote after the Reset press the Standby button (Amber led) on the front of the box.
To re pair the remote press 1 & 3 together on the remote and follow onscreen instructions to re pair.

Make sure that you are pointing the remote at the min box when you press 1 & 3 together.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: erratic fast forward and back on both mini boxes but good on main box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Software update is automatic. Did you see a change in version number when you did it?


When you connected via ethernet, did you disable wifi and do a full network reset?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Griptightthing This message was authored by: Griptightthing

Re: erratic fast forward and back on both mini boxes but good on main box

Hi, Yes SW number changed and yes I did disable the wifi. 

I think skys biggest problem is that it is almost impossible to speak to anybody. I did get through eventually and was told that erratic fast and back was caused by having over 70% of hard disc full. reduced to 50% but no change.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Griptightthing This message was authored by: Griptightthing

Re: erratic fast forward and back on both mini boxes but good on main box

Hi, Tried setting the remotes and no change. Reset both boxes and no change. As both mini boxes are both acting the same I am susspecting the main box Hard drive but then again it works fine on the main Sky Q box.

Trying to get an engineer but its easier to get blood out of a stone.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: erratic fast forward and back on both mini boxes but good on main box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Very strange if the main box is in standby and not being used and only one mini is in use while testing, does the same happen?


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