Discussion topic: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

This message was authored by mrandyboy This message was authored by: mrandyboy

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

This is happening to me every single time. I shouldn't have to exit the video, go back in and then fast forward to find where I was every single time I pause. Absolutely useless 

This message was authored by jblink This message was authored by: jblink

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

So 5 days after my last post above and......


I refreshed all boxes and there seems to be a change.  However, that change is that instead of being fairly predictable, the problem seems to manifest in several different ways.

  • Sometimes no problem.  Pause, play and all is well
  • Sometimes the "old" (for me) problem of a sound drop out then a few seconds later "loading....." then video resumes after maybe 10-15 seconds
  • Sometimes as above but without the initial sound drop out
  • Sometimes the sound drops briefly then all is well for 15-20 seconds (I haven't timed it but about that) then the sound disappears permanently, but the video plays ok - at least until I pause and rewind. 
  • As above, but the video stepped back about 5-10 seconds before playing silently

Conclusion is that is that if the problem has supposedly been fixed ( See @Chloe-w22 post on page 6) then, no, it hasn't at least for me.  I did carry out another forced app refresh on one box just prior to posting this, just in case, but straight away #3 on my list.   FYI, this is software version Q270.000.08.00L (5u193c0).  This is the "box" software - I am unsure if the app software versions can be seen? 


For the record I have the main Q box and four minis and the problem is common to all.  Some TVs are smart and I have tried YT on all with their own apps and no problems.  Equally no problem on a Fire stick or iPad / PC.  So I have alternatives, but given the amount of money I and we all pay to Sky, why should I be forced to use them?


Questions then for someone who is a Sky employee and / or who might know or be able to find out the answers (notwithstanding @Chloe-w22's posts, but I would like some reassurance 😁 )


  • Is this forum actively monitored by the Sky Quality team? (I make the bold assumption that there is a Sky Quality team!)
  • If so then has this issue been recognised and reproduced under "lab" conditions?
  • If so then is there a software development team (or even a person) actively working on this?
  • If so then do they have  at least a guesstimate of what the problem is and when a solution might be deployed?

I appreciate sofware bugs can be hard to identify particularly if it is a third party development, but it has been a year or more since @Jaxx25 apparently first experienced the problem and getting on for a year since their first post.  I haven't trawled around to see earlier references but a year, I think, should be enough.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jaxx25 This message was authored by: Jaxx25

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Yeah it's still happening @Chloe-W22 ..

I opened YouTube on the sky Q box the other day and nothing has changed..

So I guess we need to wait until there's an app update to get the fix you mentioned.. right? 


Also, I just wanna say I appreciate the work you're doing.... But yeah...the problem still persists..

This message was authored by Sharkyvibe This message was authored by: Sharkyvibe

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

They don't care. They don't want us to watch YouTube. If it was a Sky channel it would be fixed by now 

This message was authored by OzzyTheLegend This message was authored by: OzzyTheLegend

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Very much still happening, has been for months it's soooo frustrating. I no longer pause videos I just back out of them. Why is this taking so long to fix?

This message was authored by nexusman This message was authored by: nexusman

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

We are having similar issues with YouTube. The app opens, I click on what I want to watch, it comes on, but then after a few minutes, it returns to the app screen. I reset the main sky q box and after that it works okay 

This message was authored by stereohaven This message was authored by: stereohaven

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Yep, still not fixed, both the pause and then it rewinds and just kicking you out as you browse issues remain.


LG B6 OLED 55” | LG UP75 LCD 43” | Sky Q | Sky Q Mini | Apple TV 4K | SONOS Beam 2 | Sky Mobile | FTTC BT Halo 3+
This message was authored by TLR42 This message was authored by: TLR42

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

I've had the same issue for a few weeks now; have to exit out the video then start again. I watch mainly YouTube these days so it's only the ability to record the few things on TV I still watch that stops me from jibbing Sky and just using the app on my TV instead. 

This message was authored by AntAntAnt This message was authored by: AntAntAnt

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Yeah, I'm in exactly the same boat as you! These issues have been around for over a year now, and Sky don't seem to want to rectify them, none of the other app's have these issues. 

This message was authored by Lg+oled65b7v This message was authored by: Lg+oled65b7v

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

I think they're working on it.


You know why?  My YT app has now started crashing as very regular intervals.

This message was authored by Chloe-W22 This message was authored by: Chloe-W22 Answer

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Posted by a Sky employee

Morning all, 


Really sorry to hear you're still having an issue with YT, I sent this on to be looked at a wee while ago so I've went back to the apps team who have confirmed the following:

  1. YouTube crashing to the Sky UI home screen, this has been resolved in the most recent software update (Q270.000.10.02). We expect all customers to have this update by the end of next week. If you are still having issues with crashing after the software update please let me know, I'll be moving reports of YouTube crashing to it's own thread.
  2. Audio Sync and Pause behaviour is being investigated by the team at Google, unfortunately we struggled to replicate this on our end. This continues to be on going.

I'm really sorry I don't have a better update for the pause behaviour, in the meantime please continue to use the fast-forward workaround:

@Jaxx25 wrote:

I can bypass this loading/buffering thing by skipping forwards or backwards a bit.


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This message was authored by Christine-Sky This message was authored by: Christine-Sky

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Hi there,


I can also confirm that the pausing issue is still not fixed.


I am surprised that it cannot be replicated as it happens pretty much every time you pause on YouTube and then resume. Perhaps the testers need to leave something running for a bit longer and then pause it and resume.


My Sky Q box is wired over ethernet rather than WiFi. Do other people with the issue have it connected via WiFi? (Just to rule that out)


I can't imagine the issue is Google related as it doesn't happen on other devices running YouTube. 



This message was authored by AntAntAnt This message was authored by: AntAntAnt

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..



Yes I also find it difficult to believe that it cannot be replicated, or observed in a real world situation, as it appears to be a ubiquitous issue amongst community members!


From my own and other people's experience and experimentation, it appears to be purely an 'app' issue on the Sky box, indeed, if the YouTube app is used that is pre installed directly on many 'Smart' TV's, the issue is not present.  Out of frustration, I have now started using the latter instead.



This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I'm on a 1Gb connection, Wired to a wifi mesh node. No diagnostics on youtube that I know of but netflix says it gets 200Mb or so


I get this problem after pausing about 75% of the time, just did some tests.


I get a brief audio dropout about 5 seconds after resuming. Then after a few more seconds, audio drops out for maybe 10seconds or so. Doesn't seem to cause a lipsync issue.

On one of my tests, audio did not drop out but video was corrupted for a few seconds.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: YouTube on Sky Q "loading" after pausing..

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Christine-Sky wrote:

  I can't imagine the issue is Google related as it doesn't happen on other devices running YouTube. 

Google will have written the Q app.


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