Discussion topic: This Programme is no longer available

This message was authored by JPJ100 This message was authored by: JPJ100

This Programme is no longer available

A few weeks ago, my Sky Q box hard drive failed. A replacement was sent out and I installed it fine. Worked great for a couple of weeks. But now I get a message when trying to watch a recording it will say...... THIS PROGRAMME IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. The recording is only from the night before. Also, sometimes the recording from the night before will say............ RECORDING FAILED. POWER FAILURE. Now, if I reboot the box by unplugging it,  I am able to watch the recording from the night before mostly. Sometimes I will have to delete the POWER FAILURE ones. I need to do this daily and it also affects the multi room box too. Researching the internet, this has been happening to other Sky customers for over two years, but can't seem to find a solution. Whether it's a software or hardware issue, I don't know, but would think it's plenty of time for Sky to find a solution.  Will ring Sky in a week or so, but am wanting to find out if anyone has found a solution without returning box back to Sky.