Discussion topic: TV describes volume changes

This message was authored by R8Verso This message was authored by: R8Verso

TV describes volume changes

When using remote to adjust volume the tv tells me ie 'volume 6'. Also tv tells me that I am connected to my sky q box.

Not a big issue but annoying as its not a setting that I introduced


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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: TV describes volume changes

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@R8Verso wrote:

When using remote to adjust volume the tv tells me ie 'volume 6'. Also tv tells me that I am connected to my sky q box.

Not a big issue but annoying as its not a setting that I introduced

hi @R8Verso 


This is your TV & not SKY Q box - SKY Q does not know your TV volume setting as such,  the remote just sends up/down commands


Thus you will need to use your TV remote & look in the settings to turn them off


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