Discussion topic: TV and Apps pixelating

This message was authored by Markus_Ruski This message was authored by: Markus_Ruski

TV and Apps pixelating

For the last two weeks or so, my appa and tv service has been pixelating. I can see that this is a common problem with Sky. Is there are fix for this? It is highly annoying. 


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: TV and Apps pixelating

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Markus_Ruski wrote:

For the last two weeks or so, my appa and tv service has been pixelating. I can see that this is a common problem with Sky. Is there are fix for this? It is highly annoying. 

Hi @Markus_Ruski 

You need to clarify your issue.

Live TV is by Satellite and issue could be slight dish misalignment .

However Q Apps are all streamed and are received by Broadband and will be unaffected by satellite dish issues.


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