Discussion topic: Sound levels on Sky Sports.

This message was authored by rachk116 This message was authored by: rachk116

Sound levels on Sky Sports.



When watching Sky Sports channels, the volume difference between adverts and the programme is quite a lot. If I have the programme at a normal volume level, the adverts come on and they're are significantly louder. Each advert played starts at a normal level and then increases in volume. Is this a known problem or is there a fix for this please? 


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This message was authored by Doc5907 This message was authored by: Doc5907

Re: Sound levels on Sky Sports.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@rachk116 wrote:



When watching Sky Sports channels, the volume difference between adverts and the programme is quite a lot. If I have the programme at a normal volume level, the adverts come on and they're are significantly louder. Each advert played starts at a normal level and then increases in volume. Is this a known problem or is there a fix for this please? 

@rachk116  I simply record the sports programme and watch it slightly delayed so I can fast-forward the adverts (saying 'forward four minutes ' into mic if you have voice control ).


Or if I do watch live I will mute TV for Ads so can't say I've noticed the volume increase.


Nothing you can do about any volume increases unfortunately.

Sky Mobile
Sky Max Full Fibre 500 broadband
Topic Author
This message was authored by rachk116 This message was authored by: rachk116

Re: Sound levels on Sky Sports.

Surely can Sky can sort it out? They manage it ok on all other channels.

This message was authored by Doc5907 This message was authored by: Doc5907

Re: Sound levels on Sky Sports.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@rachk116 wrote:

Surely can Sky can sort it out? They manage it ok on all other channels.

It's more than likely the advertisers want a higher volume in an attempt to attract the viewer and they are the ones paying the big money for these Ads so doubtful anything will change. Like I said, I choose to mute if I do have to sit through them.

Sky Mobile
Sky Max Full Fibre 500 broadband
Topic Author
This message was authored by rachk116 This message was authored by: rachk116

Re: Sound levels on Sky Sports.

Just seems a bit unnecessary that's all....and annoying.


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