24 Feb 2024 01:01 PM
When watching Sky Sports channels, the volume difference between adverts and the programme is quite a lot. If I have the programme at a normal volume level, the adverts come on and they're are significantly louder. Each advert played starts at a normal level and then increases in volume. Is this a known problem or is there a fix for this please?
24 Feb 2024 01:15 PM - last edited: 24 Feb 2024 01:16 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@rachk116 wrote:Hi!
When watching Sky Sports channels, the volume difference between adverts and the programme is quite a lot. If I have the programme at a normal volume level, the adverts come on and they're are significantly louder. Each advert played starts at a normal level and then increases in volume. Is this a known problem or is there a fix for this please?
@rachk116 I simply record the sports programme and watch it slightly delayed so I can fast-forward the adverts (saying 'forward four minutes ' into mic if you have voice control ).
Or if I do watch live I will mute TV for Ads so can't say I've noticed the volume increase.
Nothing you can do about any volume increases unfortunately.
24 Feb 2024 01:29 PM
Surely can Sky can sort it out? They manage it ok on all other channels.
24 Feb 2024 01:36 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@rachk116 wrote:Surely can Sky can sort it out? They manage it ok on all other channels.
It's more than likely the advertisers want a higher volume in an attempt to attract the viewer and they are the ones paying the big money for these Ads so doubtful anything will change. Like I said, I choose to mute if I do have to sit through them.
24 Feb 2024 01:48 PM
Just seems a bit unnecessary that's all....and annoying.
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