Discussion topic: Sound has started stuttering regulary and each time 2 short gaps, but rewind and play the audio is f

This message was authored by MSalter This message was authored by: MSalter

Sound has started stuttering regulary and each time 2 short gaps, but rewind and play the audio is f

Started for me yesterday...


... every fee minutes on all 'live' shows the sound cuts out regularly - sonetime after approx 60 seconds and sometimes longer between events.


If I rewind after a sound gap, the audio is then fine, so i suspect this a rendering issue and is not network.


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This message was authored by MSalter This message was authored by: MSalter

Re: Sound has started stuttering regulary and each time 2 short gaps, but rewind and play the audio

Note also is happening on recordings too, so I think has to be a box/software issue


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