Discussion topic: Sky engineers won’t now service my sky dish because it is too high 4meters of the ground

This message was authored by Nyky This message was authored by: Nyky

Sky engineers won’t now service my sky dish because it is too high 4meters of the ground

My sky dish has been knocked out of position by a tile falling on it, so called an engineer to come and re attach the dish but he said it's too dangerous to do.  I did explain that sky actually put it up there in the first place but he didn't believe me.  So I'm wondering if anyone else has these issues? And, are all dishes now put at ground level?  Please let me know if there is another way of getting this sorted or do I now need to cancel sky?  It's only 4 meters up so any reasonable ladder would do, I even had a scaffold tower erected by a PASMA operative with a scaftag attached but he refused to use it because it wasn't within their safety guidelines.  I'm truly baffled by what these engineers are actually allowed or willing to do?