12 Oct 2024 04:13 PM
I have had my new OLED tv changed twice as it was switching off randomly. LG have also visited, so has a radio frequency specialist. App.The problem has been isolated to the sky box. It doesnt happen when the tv is on and using its built in apps or when watching Netflix via LG's but only when i watch tv or netflix via sky. When the heating or HW kicks in or manually swithching the room stat on and off will kill the sky box for a second or two it then starts up on the TV show (it is a black screen for a second or two), Netflix and other apps via sky need a reboot. It happens randomly but every day. It can happen up to 6-7 times during a show. It is not exclusive to the room stat it will happen even when the heating and HW are not on.The box is well vented. Has anyone else had this issue and know a fix? i presumed it was the TV as the Sky Q and the room stat have been in the same room for years. The room stat was also change to rule it out and the electrical have been checked for faults. All connections to the TV also seem fine.
18 Oct 2024 06:21 PM
Did you ever find a solution to this? My sky box has been doing something similar but it's when the light switch is turned on or off?
18 Oct 2024 09:31 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Jdm1984 wrote:
Did you ever find a solution to this? My sky box has been doing something similar but it's when the light switch is turned on or off?
I'd try replacing the switch first as the cheapest solution. Beyond that have a look at mains filters and power conditioners (in order of cost).
18 Oct 2024 10:43 PM
A sky engineer came this week. He changed the HDMI. He thinks that the fault is probably electrical but the power surge could be causing an issue with faulty HDMI. It has cured the problem . I have a sneaky fealing it's the boiler on heating controller or 3 port valve.
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