Discussion topic: Sky Q box recording random programmes

This message was authored by AlisonD This message was authored by: AlisonD

Sky Q box recording random programmes

Can anyone help please. Our Sky Q box is recording programmes that it thinks we will like even though we have turned off "auto record series from catch-up".

We have also tried highlighting Settings then 0,0,1 suggested in the community chat but we're  not seeing "pushed on demand". Putting these number in is doing nothing. 
We can't see what else to do. Would appreciate any suggestions please.

Thank you.


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Sky Q box recording random programmes

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@AlisonD wrote:

Can anyone help please. Our Sky Q box is recording programmes that it thinks we will like even though we have turned off "auto record series from catch-up".

We have also tried highlighting Settings then 0,0,1 suggested in the community chat but we're  not seeing "pushed on demand". Putting these number in is doing nothing. 
We can't see what else to do. Would appreciate any suggestions please.

Thank you.

Hi @AlisonD 

I don't believe Sky currently pushes any content to the Q boxes but you can still switch it off
Pushed on Demand is in the hidden menu.  You need to press Select after the 0 0 1
To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
Select Pushed On Demand and set it off.

Then next thing to do is to check your Scheduled recordings for any Series links 

Make a note of any Programs scheduled that you want to record so you can add them again later.  (You could always take a photo instead of noting them).

Once you have made a note or photo'd or the scheduled section complete the following.

Look at the Scheduled recordings and any that have the Green series link arrows go to the right hand side and remove the Series link (leave the Recording scheduled at this time just remove the series link)

When you have just a list of Scheduled Recordings all without series links,  cancel each recording until the Scheduled section is completely empty.

Then reboot the Q box .

To reboot press Standby on your Sky Q remote (if the box responds to the remote), and then switch off and unplug at the mains.
Wait at least 30 secs and then Plug back in and switch your Sky Q box back on at the mains.
Wait for the on screen instructions to disappear and the front led to turn Amber. Then wait for 30 secs before you press Home on your Sky Q remote or if this is not working press the standby button on the front of the Q box (Amber led)

note: some features may take up to 5 minutes to return.


Once the Box is completely back up and running add back any series links and recordings that you have removed.


See if all the above stops your issues.


This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Sky Q box recording random programmes

Pushed on Demand is no longer used (and hasn't been for about 4 years now) so it makes no difference. Even when it was used, the programmes wouldn't appear alongside your recordings.

This message was authored by Andys1408 This message was authored by: Andys1408

Re: Sky Q box recording random programmes

Sky Q does record related programs that haven't been selected to record. Try recording Formula One and it will automatically record all the other programs related to that race. It's super annoying.


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