Discussion topic: Sky Q Box loses network connectivity constantly

This message was authored by JazzyB11 This message was authored by: JazzyB11

Sky Q Box loses network connectivity constantly

I have a SKY Q 1TB box, which is now just over 3 years old. At least once a day it loses network connectivity with my Q mini boxes, athough satellite still works fine. I use hard wire ethernet for all the connections and the boxes are all on static IP's


I've been monitoring the /as/system/information url for the last few weeks and can see it goes down typically twice a day, sometimes more - the URL times out and the Mini's lose the signal. The physical network port stays up though.


Rebooting the SKYQ main box brings everything back up again but this is not ideal and seems to be happening more often. Do i need to get the box replaced and what is the best way to go about this?


I tried the virtual assistant but its options are pretty useless for this diagnosis. TIA.


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This message was authored by JazzyB11 This message was authored by: JazzyB11

Re: Sky Q Box loses network connectivity constantly

So far today i've had to reboot the box 6 times - when it comes back up connectivity with the Mini Q's and Internet is restored but only for 1-2 hours max before it hangs again. I'm suspecting the box may be on its way out. Could this issue please be escalated?


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