Discussion topic: Sky Cinema issue - paying for something they won't let me watch

This message was authored by Rob73 This message was authored by: Rob73

Sky Cinema issue - paying for something they won't let me watch

I have a current Sky Cinema subscription, but for the last month everytime I want to watch something it says I need to upgrade. I press the red button and go through the process and when I login with my dteails it says I already have the subscriiption (which I do). So I'm paying for a service that Sky won't supply. To say I'm a bit miffed is putting it mildly. 


Anyone know how to fix this?


All Replies

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky Cinema issue - paying for something they won't let me watch

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Rob73 wrote:

I have a current Sky Cinema subscription, but for the last month everytime I want to watch something it says I need to upgrade. I press the red button and go through the process and when I login with my dteails it says I already have the subscriiption (which I do). So I'm paying for a service that Sky won't supply. To say I'm a bit miffed is putting it mildly. 


Anyone know how to fix this?

hi @Rob73 



The first thing to try  is to restart your main SKY Q box :

Use the remote to place it into standby mode
Then remove the power to it (either switch off at mains or remove the power plug)
Wait at least 30s
Then re-apply the power & wait for it to fully restart - this may take a few minutes.

If that doesn't cure it then try re-freshing the card :

Main Menu -> Settings -> System Info  scroll across to the viewing card & click on 'setup'

Then click on the button (the whole message) which ends 'Use this option to trigger a callback' 

This isn't a call back as such but initiates a refresh of the viewing card


If that doesn't get you working (although give it time to work)  let us know & we can try escalating to a support team here

Topic Author
This message was authored by Rob73 This message was authored by: Rob73

Re: Sky Cinema issue - paying for something they won't let me watch

I've done a few restarts, but I'll try the card refresh. Will update tomorrow. Thanks

Topic Author
This message was authored by Rob73 This message was authored by: Rob73

Re: Sky Cinema issue - paying for something they won't let me watch

So tried the callback but I'm still getting the "upgrade here" message. I'm definitely subbed (see screenshot attached)


This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky Cinema issue - paying for something they won't let me watch

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

hi @Rob73 


Sorry that the 'Callback' did not work for you. 


I have escalated your post to a SKY support team, who, hopefully, will be in touch.

Please see this link re the escalation and what you might see:

If you are using Safari I believe you must make sure that 'Hide IP address' is not checked in settings to be able to see it - if you have difficulty finding that setting then may be try accessing here with another browser

This message was authored by Addie15 This message was authored by: Addie15

Re: Sky Cinema issue - paying for something they won't let me watch

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there! Thank you for escalating this. We have sent an invite to Rob73.

This message was authored by Mr+Flibbles+86 This message was authored by: Mr+Flibbles+86

Re: Sky Cinema issue - paying for something they won't let me watch

Posted by a Sky employee

We are still looking to help you. If you need our support let us know and we can re-escalate to our chat team. Your invite has been closed now. Thanks


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