Discussion topic: Recording/veiwing options

This message was authored by utterlyfedup This message was authored by: utterlyfedup

Recording/veiwing options

Just upgraded to SKY Q and cannot find the user defined function where you can choose which point in time you want to start viewing a recording,,( rather than fast forwarding which is cumbersome)  Used this a lot when we had SKY+ HD. Surely this must still be available.!


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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Recording/veiwing options

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Use the voice option. Press and hold in the voice button and say "go to xx minutes".


There are no reminders bookmarks or slow motion replays. 

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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Recording/veiwing options

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@utterlyfedup wrote:

Just upgraded to SKY Q and cannot find the user defined function where you can choose which point in time you want to start viewing a recording,,( rather than fast forwarding which is cumbersome)  Used this a lot when we had SKY+ HD. Surely this must still be available.!

hi @utterlyfedup 


As @Daniel0210 says voice control is your friend here


I find  handy controls are :
Skip nn minutes
Go To nn minutes
Back nn minutes

You can use hours, minutes & seconds or mix e.g. Go to 1hour 15 minutes

Skip nn minutes is very handy for adverts and you get used to the length on regular used channels (Many are around the 4 minute mark)

You can also say Go To Start

Voice control in general is very useful - see


BTW pressing the FF  (or Rewind) key & holding it down also engages a very fast skip 


Edit - Correction - For high speed forward / rewind press Pause or other button (e.g. up arrow) to bring up Time status bar then press & hold right arrow (or left arrow)  

(I think you can tell,  I use voice control instead)

This message was authored by nolte This message was authored by: nolte

Re: Recording/veiwing options

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Also note in addition to the 2 responses above,

Is the option you are looking for is to set how long before and after a programme starts and end, that your recording starts and finishes.


So if you set it at 3 minutes before and after, an hour long programme starting at 9pm would record from 8:57 to 10:03.

Unfortunately this option is not available on sky q.


Recordings start 60-90 seconds before the schedule and end 90 seconds after the scheduled end.

Sometimes (with bbc particularly), it may be good to record the next programme too.

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