Discussion topic: PTC Punjabi Channel sounds strange

This message was authored by Jay8899 This message was authored by: Jay8899

PTC Punjabi Channel sounds strange

Only PTC Punjabi is effected, every other channel is fine. Tv is fine, restarted box but still the same.


it's very screechy and distorted - anyone else have this issue?


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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: PTC Punjabi Channel sounds strange

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@Jay8899 wrote:

Only PTC Punjabi is effected, every other channel is fine. Tv is fine, restarted box but still the same.


it's very screechy and distorted - anyone else have this issue?

hi @Jay8899 


I have just listened for a short while & there does seem ro be an issue .


If the problem persists tomorrow then probably woth emailing Viewer Relations : viewerR@Sky.uk who should be able to  contact the Channel 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jay8899 This message was authored by: Jay8899

Re: PTC Punjabi Channel sounds strange

Thank you, I'll email them.


it's been like this for over a week


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