Discussion topic: No sound when turning on sky Q box and delay for sound when changing channel

This message was authored by RR_RR This message was authored by: RR_RR

No sound when turning on sky Q box and delay for sound when changing channel

When switching on main Sky Q box no sound is output, sometimes for 30 seconds sometimes 2 minutes or longer. Sometimes the box needs to be switched off and on (by remote only not power down) to resolve. The loss of sound also occurs sometimes when changing channel or using an app. Have done resets etc (engineer reset) and this is not a TV or AV amp issue (all tested seperately) I'm reluctant to go down the sky Q box change route as have recordings on drive I wish to keep. All mini boxes (3) have sound, no issues, however the system crashes regulalry (every few days) and requires a main box power down reset. Any ideas???



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This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: No sound when turning on sky Q box and delay for sound when changing channel

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

So the amp is on and warmed up but no sound from the Q input? I ask because mine takes 30 seconds to start producing any sound when first switched on.


Does it make any difference what sound output setting you use?


What do you mean by "crashes"?

Topic Author
This message was authored by RR_RR This message was authored by: RR_RR

Re: No sound when turning on sky Q box and delay for sound when changing channel

Yes, amp is on and warmed up, the delay / lack of sound is a relatively new issue never used to have this problem. The sound could come on immediately, could take 30secs, 2 minutes or not at all, switching box off and on repeats this cycle. Q Box is connected with an optical cable to amp changing input to the amp makes no difference.

it seems as though there is a delay in outputting an audio signal from the box, as an example if starting an app eg Netflix even if sound is working on sky channels prior to openingthe app, then there is no sound, pause for a minute or 2 then sound comes on. 

The crashing is not specifically related to this; crash can be frozen, no connection to mini boxes, unable to control box with remote etc., power down / reboot fixes this, when crashing you can hear the hard drive is running (noticeable sound from the QBox



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