Discussion topic: Netflix stopped working on tv upstairs

This message was authored by GA59 This message was authored by: GA59

Netflix stopped working on tv upstairs

My netflix has recently just stopped coming on my upstairs tv , works fine downstairs ?


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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Netflix stopped working on tv upstairs

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
I have moved your thread to a more appropriate forum
I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Netflix stopped working on tv upstairs

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


You will need to provide some more information like what is happening, for example are you seeing the red spinning circle ?

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
This message was authored by Andy173 This message was authored by: Andy173

Re: Netflix stopped working

Hi, our Netflix has not been working since wednesday. We just get the rec spinning circle on a black screen.


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