Discussion topic: My sky q box is jot and makes a continuous high pitched noise. Trying to get hold of sky is like wai

This message was authored by paulgjones This message was authored by: paulgjones

My sky q box is jot and makes a continuous high pitched noise. Trying to get hold of sky is like wai

sky box very hot

Noise is like having tinnitus. Constant high pitched. Cant use it


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This message was authored by SlenderRobert This message was authored by: SlenderRobert

Re: My sky q box is jot and makes a continuous high pitched noise. Trying to get hold of sky is like

@paulgjones wrote:

sky box very hot

Noise is like having tinnitus. Constant high pitched. Cant use it

Give Sky a call and ask for it to be replaced. It shouldn't be making a sound like that and shouldn't be overly hot. 


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