Discussion topic: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

This message was authored by Stuartroberts61 This message was authored by: Stuartroberts61

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

What is picture quality like with EE. I'm coming to end of sky contract soon.

This message was authored by WESTY54 This message was authored by: WESTY54

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

Engineer out on Thursday & will see what he says on disconnecting the hard wired / try WiFi only.

This message was authored by Stuartroberts61 This message was authored by: Stuartroberts61

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

Maybe worth trying pulling out cable to try before he gets there. Assume like me  before I went wireless it freezes almost daily. 

This message was authored by WESTY54 This message was authored by: WESTY54

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

Yep, freezes and then box hard drive goes mad buzzing noise.  I will give that a go.

This message was authored by Stuartroberts61 This message was authored by: Stuartroberts61

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

Bet you a pound it works 😉

This message was authored by JimYoung This message was authored by: JimYoung

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

I'm on a Sky router and my Sky Q box is freezing several times a day 

This message was authored by Stolly1 This message was authored by: Stolly1

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

My sky box keeps freezing having to re-boot, only had this problem since changing over to EE


does anyone know if irs better to hardwire box 

This message was authored by POLLY56 This message was authored by: POLLY56

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

We are having the same problem, rebooting box 3 times a day. Connected only via WiFi and not on EE or sky broadband. We are with Lila connect on 1 gig fibre.

This message was authored by Stuartroberts61 This message was authored by: Stuartroberts61

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

I can only comment on my experience where when going from ethernet connection to WIFI for an EE router the problem has dissapeared.

This message was authored by POLLY56 This message was authored by: POLLY56

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

Surely the WiFi or Ethernet shouldn't make any difference to the box freezing as still connected to satellite dish. 

This message was authored by alspesh This message was authored by: alspesh

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

Same issue and resolution for me!


Had my Sky Q connected via Ethernet/Powerline to the BT Smart Hub Router for years with no issues.

However, as soon as the rebrand to EE made its way to the firmware on Router, the Sky Q remote became unresponsive to TV commands (Vol +/- and Power). Noticed it in early Jan this year.


I removed the Ethernet cable from Sky Q, rebooted the box, connected the Q via WiFi, reset the Remote Pairing to the Sky Q box and all worked again as hoped.

To further test, I plugged back the Ethernet cable with the WiFi as the connected network method. Shortly after, the TV control functions caused the Sky Q to seize up again.

Removed the Ethernet cable, rebooted Sky Q, un-and-paired the remote back up, and seems resolved.

I am going out on a limb and blaming Sky's hardware/firmware team for this, as I cannot workout why a network cable would cause TV commands to seize the Sky GUI.

This message was authored by POLLY56 This message was authored by: POLLY56

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

Hi, mine has never been connected via ethernet always by wifi. We arent with EE or skybroadband. Rebooting it lasts for a day then it will freeze again. I think it is a software issue

This message was authored by WESTY54 This message was authored by: WESTY54

Re: Main Sky Q box keeps freezing

Begrudgingly due to continued issues with the SKY Q box freezing , I have kicked out EE & signed up to SKY broadband .To be fair saved on ££.Connected by Ethernet & it's been over 3 weeks now & no issues whatsoever. 

So is it EE's Router simply not compatible with the SKY box noting I had 4 Sky Q Box exchanged by engineer ?


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