Discussion topic: I need to order a new sky q box

This message was authored by Joanne195 This message was authored by: Joanne195

I need to order a new sky q box

I recently renewed my sky contract and the lady I spoke to said I could change my sky box for free, she said I could think about whether I wanted to keep my recordings and box and ring back to take up the offer. I would now like to order my new box, she did say she had put a note on my account


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This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: I need to order a new sky q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

You're just asking other customers here...


Give Sky a call...

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own even if you don't like the answers
This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: I need to order a new sky q box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Joanne195 wrote:

I recently renewed my sky contract and the lady I spoke to said I could change my sky box for free, she said I could think about whether I wanted to keep my recordings and box and ring back to take up the offer. I would now like to order my new box, she did say she had put a note on my account

Hi @Joanne195 


We are primarily just other customers here, however, there is a team that supports these groups who may be able to help - if not they will advise the next steps so I have escalated your post to the SKY support team who, hopefully, will be in touch.


Please see this link re the escalation and what you might see:



If you are using Safari I believe you must make sure that 'Hide IP adress' is not checked in settings to be able to see it - if you have difficulty finding that setting then may be try accessing here with another browser


This message was authored by Addie15 This message was authored by: Addie15

Re: I need to order a new sky q box

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there! Thank you for escalating this. We have sent an invite to Joanne195.

This message was authored by Lisa-P1987 This message was authored by: Lisa-P1987

Re: I need to order a new sky q box

Posted by a Sky employee

We are still looking to help you @Joanne195 . If you need our support let us know and we can re-escalate to our chat team. Your invite has been closed now. Thanks


Lisa - Sky Tech Team Expert

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