Discussion topic: I keep loosing the signal for ITV

This message was authored by Nutcracker1 This message was authored by: Nutcracker1

I keep loosing the signal for ITV

I keep loosing the signal forITV. I have switched je tv off and the box over night and switched it all back on this morning had ITV  all mirning and then list it again this afternoon. This has been since Wednesday 


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: I keep loosing the signal for ITV

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@Nutcracker1 wrote:

I keep loosing the signal forITV. I have switched je tv off and the box over night and switched it all back on this morning had ITV  all mirning and then list it again this afternoon. This has been since Wednesday 

Hi @Nutcracker1 

Work through the following link and if you cannot solve your issue it will lead to booking a Engineer.
Alternately, if you are on a Communal Dish you will need to contact your Landlord or Management company.


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