Discussion topic: Having to turn sky w box off and on every morning for it to work

This message was authored by Cwild This message was authored by: Cwild

Having to turn sky w box off and on every morning for it to work

Had a new sky q box installed last Sunday by sky after my old ones hard drive stopped working,


but now every morning it it whirling like a loud fan and sky q blue light flashing and black screen saying you will be ready to go in a couple of minutes but nothing happens and had to power it off and back on every morning!! (removed) Any help appreciated as sky on phone find t understand my issues. Sounded like they was other side of the world  n a bad line!!


Moderator note: Removed inappropriate language


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This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Having to turn sky w box off and on every morning for it to work

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I had a new box like that. Had to get another new one. I wonder if it's been going round other customers ever since.


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