Discussion topic: Discovery+ Age rating on screen wont go away

This message was authored by mc321 This message was authored by: mc321

Discovery+ Age rating on screen wont go away

Hi,strange issue that just started this past week while watching anything on discovery+

When you play something,the name of the show etc and age rating pops up at the top left of the screen as it always has done then after a few seconds it disappears and the show is full screen,however since last week, every time there is an ad (they normally last around 15-20 seconds), the age rating now pops up on screen after the ad has finished and stays there and wont go away.Pressing the back button or leaving it to do its thing and disappear doesnt work.

The only way to get rid of it is to stop the show and restart it then it goes away but then the next time and ad comes on,same thing happens again.

Does anyone else see this now? Or know how to get rid of it because it is quite annoying having to keep stopping and starting a show each time an ad has been on.

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This message was authored by Kelsingra This message was authored by: Kelsingra Answer

Re: Discovery+ Age rating on screen wont go away

Posted by a Sky employee

Hey all,


I'm happy to hear that the issue has been resolved. I just wanted to confirm that the fix was applied on Monday. Thanks for letting me know that it worked. 😊


I’ll be closing this thread now since the bug has been addressed. If you encounter any other issues, please feel free to open a new thread.


Thank you for your patience and understanding while we worked on the solution! 🙂


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