Discussion topic: Connectivity to wifi

This message was authored by Chocoblock This message was authored by: Chocoblock

Connectivity to wifi

Had a new reuter and it was fitted yesterday by a computer Technician as he was fitting a new computer. Now WiFi is slow and can't connect to TV os Security system.



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Topic Author
This message was authored by Chocoblock This message was authored by: Chocoblock

Re: Connectivity to wifi

I am totally angry

We are in our 80s. Pay a lot to sky and your broadband is not doing its job.

Want an engineers visit.!!!!!!

This message was authored by bob1234 This message was authored by: bob1234

Re: Connectivity to wifi

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ChocoblockI would get your "computer technician" back to connect everything back up, it is not Sky's fault.

If your router has been changed every device you have that uses WiFi will need the password changed and connected to the new router.


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