Discussion topic: Changing from Skyq to Stream

This message was authored by AmyLH This message was authored by: AmyLH

Changing from Skyq to Stream

Hi, We currently have skyQ. We are moving in a month, however we are not permitted to have a sky dish on our property. We are considering changing over to sky stream. My question- Can we just change over, or would we have to start a new contract (12 or 18 months) again??

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Changing from Skyq to Stream

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AmyLH wrote:
Hi, We currently have skyQ. We are moving in a month, however we are not permitted to have a sky dish on our property. We are considering changing over to sky stream. My question- Can we just change over, or would we have to start a new contract (12 or 18 months) again??

Hi @AmyLH 

You would need to recontract (18 months)

This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: Changing from Skyq to Stream

@AmyLH wrote:
Hi, We currently have skyQ. We are moving in a month, however we are not permitted to have a sky dish on our property. We are considering changing over to sky stream. My question- Can we just change over, or would we have to start a new contract (12 or 18 months) again??

If you are still within your Q contract's 18 month period then you will need to switch onto a Sky Stream 18 month contract. If you are out of contract then you can choose to cancel Sky completely or you can switch to a 31 day rolling contract on Stream if you wish. The shorter contracts are slightly more expensive but do allow you to leave with just 31 days notice if required. 

Be aware that Sky Stream relies entirely on having a fast and stable broadband network available in whatever room(s) you choose to have Stream pucks in. Without stable broadband it will not work. 


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