Discussion topic: Can the sky q box go behind the tv in a media wall?

This message was authored by J+Dent This message was authored by: J+Dent

Can the sky q box go behind the tv in a media wall?

Can the sky q box be mounted behind the tv in a media wall and still be operated by remote control?


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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Can the sky q box go behind the tv in a media wall?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@J+Dent wrote:

Can the sky q box be mounted behind the tv in a media wall and still be operated by remote control?

hi @J+Dent 


Remote wise generally not a problem as the bluetooth connection is extremely good (I have controlled my box from my rear garden - so through 2 walls & 2 rooms.)


That said if you need to reset it for any reason the remote initially needs line of sight


Otherwise - obviously you must be able to cable up  and if needed maintain wifi which could be a problem if enclosed.


The key thing is to ensure good ventilation & the main box should not really be mounted vertically if that is what you are considering 

This message was authored by bob1234 This message was authored by: bob1234

Re: Can the sky q box go behind the tv in a media wall?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@J+DentYes as the controller is bluetooth it will work BUT the Q boxes easily overheat so make sure there is plenty of air circulation, also make sure you can get to the mains switch in case you need to do a reset.

Topic Author
This message was authored by J+Dent This message was authored by: J+Dent

Re: Can the sky q box go behind the tv in a media wall?

Thanks both

i was intending on ensuring I can access it by pulling tv out of media wall on bracket

i will have to think about how to Not mount vertically (was looking at a bracket for that) but hopefully there would be enough air flow 


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