Discussion topic: Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

This message was authored by MathewJohn92 This message was authored by: MathewJohn92

Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

Hello, as stated above, I can't activate both both of the apps.


I've got TNT Sports through Sky so I get Discovery+ Premium I think it's called but when I go to the app, scan the QR code then login when it loads, it always says "You need a Discovery+ subscription to do this".


With the MVMNT one, I wanted to try it as it says free 45 day free trial, when I try to activate that, I follow the link and login and always something aling the lines of "You clicked the link too fast".


Any help would be brilliant, thanks in advance.






All Replies

This message was authored by SimonC99 This message was authored by: SimonC99

Re: Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

Me too - also trying to activate Mvmnt trial and get the same message - has the offer now finished?

Topic Author
This message was authored by MathewJohn92 This message was authored by: MathewJohn92

Re: Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

The offer is still available to me but I still get the same problem every time.

This message was authored by SimonC99 This message was authored by: SimonC99

Re: Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

I spent an hour on phone to Sky yesterday (45 minutes waiting to be answered) and they couldnt do anything to help - but then I retried the QR code in desperation and it worked - hope that works for you too!

This message was authored by Kxl1 This message was authored by: Kxl1

Re: Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

Me too, I'm finding some things on Sky very buggy and slow. I hope their application is longing every time someone gets an error when trying to spend money with them. Frustrating for customers and loss of revenue for Sky.
This message was authored by Kxl1 This message was authored by: Kxl1

Re: Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

Or logging even 😀
This message was authored by philcross This message was authored by: philcross

Re: Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

I dd the trial, worked OK so paid for the sevice - was working OK for a month and its now asking me to enter a code. They send me one via email, I enter it and it says code invalid - so I now cannot get access to the sevice I am paying for - called SKY, no option to get any support on the app as they know nothing about it. Go to mvmnt.com and it simply links you to SKY......AAAGGGGHHHH


This message was authored by philcross This message was authored by: philcross

Re: Can't activate Discovery+ & MVMNT apps.

Well after numerous attempts - it suddenly started working - what a waste of time me trying to get support....


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