Discussion topic: Blue screen technical fault when playing recordings

This message was authored by gary12366446 This message was authored by: gary12366446

Blue screen technical fault when playing recordings

I have an issue when playing recordings where they will play for a bit then a blue screen shows up and says: there is a technical fault with this channel, please try again later. 

I have reset the box, I have also turn off at the mains and turned back on but problem still remains. I've seen online that to try resetting the hard drive but I don't really want to lose my recordings if possible, so any help with that? 

also, when I use the YouTube app on the box and I'm watching something it will stop playing the video and show 'loading', and I have to rewind the video to get it to play again. Any help with one too? 


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This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Blue screen technical fault when playing recordings

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hard drive could well be on the way out so I think you might not have a choice on losing the recordings anyway.


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