Discussion topic: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

Topic Author
This message was authored by AndrueCope This message was authored by: AndrueCope

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

@dlake wrote:

Samsung TV and Yamaha receiver but the BSkyB Q box is connected directly to the receiver and then only the picture passed through to the TV. Glad this seems to be gathering a bit of momentum. They'll, surely, have to do something about it if more people start shouting.

Yeah I use my Onkyo (TX-NR555) as the source switch box which drives the TV but for Sky I'm using the optical link to drive audio on the Onkyo. I don't remember why though. Does Sky HDMI not support 5.1 DD, perhaps?

Topic Author
This message was authored by AndrueCope This message was authored by: AndrueCope

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

I spoke with someone today and was told that it's a known issue and it's being worked on.

This message was authored by krg22 This message was authored by: krg22

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

Thanks @AndrueCope that's good.

For info, I have a newish Panasonic OLED Tv and use a Sky soundbox, so it's obviously not just a Samsung problem.

This message was authored by Arisingstar This message was authored by: Arisingstar

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

It has happened before and only on the Discovery channel. Eventually it moved to other channels but it appears that this time it is only on the Discovery Channel. That time it was cured by changing a setting on the Sky Q box but I doubt that is the issue this time because it is only that channel doing it.


As I mostly only watch that channel it is hugely annoying yo the point where I hardly ever watch it now.


It is ISN'T mine or anyone else's equipment or it would do the same thing on every channel all the time so it must be something to do with Sky's broadcast on that particular channel.


I have e just sat here watching Wheeler Dealers and it was dreadful for the first 20 minutes but it hasn't done it for the last nine minutes and sometimes it drops out on adverts and sometimes it doesn't.


Sky really do need to do something about it.

This message was authored by krg22 This message was authored by: krg22

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

@Arisingstar Agree entirely and funnily enough I was watching Wheeler dealers as well and experienced the same problems. Never have this on any other channel. 

This message was authored by Area255 This message was authored by: Area255

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

I have the same issue with a new Samsung TV linked to matching Samsung sound bar. I also have this issue on Good Rush White Water, Moonshiners and Wheeler Dealers. Please fix it, Sky! I pay you nearly £150 a month, so deserve better!

This message was authored by EQ1 This message was authored by: EQ1

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

I am watching Discovery HD channel on Sky Q through Onkyo AV and sound keeps dropping out but not on other channels. I have tried changing settings on AV but no change. It plays fine on Discovery+ 

This message was authored by Supercatthemarvel This message was authored by: Supercatthemarvel

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

This is also the case on Sky Stream. Audio keeps cutting out for a split second at a time, but only on Discovery HD. Makes the channel pretty much unwatchable. Judging by the age of this thread, it's been an issue for some time. Sky don't seem to be doing anything about it. Very frustrating!!

This message was authored by Littledaveuk This message was authored by: Littledaveuk

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

I'm also having the drops outs


Sky Q 2Tb

Discovery HD

Building off Grid


Audio via HDMI to Yamaha

This message was authored by Martyn.Wells This message was authored by: Martyn.Wells

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

Same here. Only ever on recorded programmes on Discovery HD.

I've had it happen throughout Gold Rush White Water, Wheeler Dealers and this morning on the new Gold Rush: Parker's Trail.


TV is LG OLED, sound from Sky Devialet sound box, Sky box 2 Ttb.


Come on sky, this is a common fault, can you get this fixed?

This message was authored by grog+arson This message was authored by: grog+arson

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

This is typical of 99% of the threads on the Sky Community, they deny there is an issue, then they point the finger at another manufacturers equipmen (even when it's their own, Sky Soundbox providing the audio), then they say that they are aware of it and are working on it, and then everything goes silent and maybe at some point in the future the problem stops or becomes so intermittent that we accept it!


Its a shame that they don't use this community to text their updates before they go live and bugger everything up, it's been suggested many times in the past, but it falls on deaf ears.

This message was authored by Area255 This message was authored by: Area255

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

This issue has been affecting me for months now. I have a new Samsung TV with matching sound bar linked optically. It was working just fine, and then without changing any settings or hardware, the dropouts on Discovery+ started. I now have to stream anything I want to watch on that channel, whereby I don't get any dropouts at all. This is annoying, as having the recorded programs is much better functionality. 

This message was authored by thetechguy23 This message was authored by: thetechguy23

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

Adding my name to the list. Issue is 100% at source as it impacts both live and recorded programs. Main Sky 2TB is using LG TV with HDMI audio out to LG Soundbar and upstairs mini box is another LG with optical out to Bose soundbar and I get it on both. No issues with any other channel. Come on Sky (and/or) Discovery sort yourselves out. I also don't see why I should turn off DD Audio, despite it probably not even being implemented on most Sky content, it's just the principle.

This message was authored by fatbaldbob This message was authored by: fatbaldbob

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

#metoo got the same thing going on here. The only way around it is to download the programme (as a bonus you don't get all the adverts then too!) 

Awaiting a resolve, but for what it costs it should be perfect!!

This message was authored by AMH1 This message was authored by: AMH1

Re: Audio drop-outs on Discovery Channel

Got same problem on Discovery
But must be a Sky problem as I have the drop outs on on both my Q box and Mini box, one which plays through a Denon Amp and the other direct to a Hitachi TV


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