19 Apr 2023 08:25 PM
Help ! We can access apps ( disney+ / youtube/ netflix etc) but after loading we can't access anything, the app hangs and pressing the home screen doesn't work so the only way to get back to the tv is to turn sky off then on again.
We were on youtube an hour ago no problem then all of a sudden it froze. Now all apps load but go nowhere.
Apps via the tv are working fine so it must be sky.
We have turned the box off and on again and followed others advice of going to settings, pressing 001 and doing a app refresh but still nothing.
Anyone have any further tips?
20 Apr 2023 09:42 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi JayneK65
Your post has been escalated to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.
Just look out for the blue bubble to start the conversation.
Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://community.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147
22 Apr 2023 10:22 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeUpdate-We are closing this invite now due to no response within 48 hours. If you still need help, please let us know so we can re-escalate this for you. Thanks.
No problem. Browse or search to find help, or start a new discussion on Community.
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