Discussion topic: Another Sky Q keeps losing Internet connection thread

This message was authored by SlapHead This message was authored by: SlapHead

Another Sky Q keeps losing Internet connection thread

So read a few threads on the same issue, yet there doesn't appear to be a fix. My sky q box loses Internet connection maybe 15 times a day, yet my internet is NOT down. The box is hard wired to the router, I've tried changing the ethernet cable, I've reset the q box, I've made sure latest firmware is installed. Anything else I should do before leaving Sky and getting Virgin?

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Another Sky Q keeps losing Internet connection thread

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SlapHead wrote:
So read a few threads on the same issue, yet there doesn't appear to be a fix. My sky q box loses Internet connection maybe 15 times a day, yet my internet is NOT down. The box is hard wired to the router, I've tried changing the ethernet cable, I've reset the q box, I've made sure latest firmware is installed. Anything else I should do before leaving Sky and getting Virgin?

Hi @SlapHead 

If you have no mini boxes turn off the Q box WiFi.

When Q boxes are connected by Ethernet you can then switch off all Q box WiFi.

On the main Q box and first carry out a Network reset with the Ethernet connected.
Network Reset found in Q box Home - Settings - Setup - Network.
Highlight Status and then select Reset on the right hand side. Select connect wired to non Sky Router (or Sky router if on Sky Broadband). Do not carry out any WPS and just wait for the box to connect. It may take a couple of minutes. If it does not connect there is an issue with the Ethernet connection.
As soon as it connects go into the Q box hidden menu and turn off WiFi.

To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
Go to Network to turn off both bands of WiFi. Confirm before exit.

Topic Author
This message was authored by SlapHead This message was authored by: SlapHead

Re: Another Sky Q keeps losing Internet connection thread

Hi, thanks for reply. Already tried this many many times. The q wifi has never been on as don't need it. I am having to reset the network about 15 times a day. This only started recently. Been with Sky Q for over 3 years without issues until now.
This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Another Sky Q keeps losing Internet connection thread

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SlapHead wrote:
Hi, thanks for reply. Already tried this many many times. The q wifi has never been on as don't need it. I am having to reset the network about 15 times a day. This only started recently. Been with Sky Q for over 3 years without issues until now.

Hi @SlapHead 

Did you turn off the WiFi immediately following a Network reset on the main Q box?

Topic Author
This message was authored by SlapHead This message was authored by: SlapHead

Re: Another Sky Q keeps losing Internet connection thread

Hi, yes. I've even performed the forced software update (which stopped the remote control working, so also had to re-pair that). The 2.4 and 5Ghz channels are turned off immediately. I've even tried using wifi as the router sits 1 foot away from the q box.

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