Discussion topic: indoor camera stopped working for no reason and nothing helps to resolve it

This message was authored by Bossman1804 This message was authored by: Bossman1804

indoor camera stopped working for no reason and nothing helps to resolve it

I noticed that my camera stopped working around the chnage of the clocks, so all the other devices stopped as well (I was away a lot and never looked until now)


The camera is stuick on a solid yellow light and I cant reset.  I have tried every solution offered within chat and FAQ section including unplugging fo r 10, 60 mins and 24 hours, no joy


When I deleted it to reset, the App just said updating firmware, this hgas been on for several days.  I have re-entered the WiFi sign in several times


Outdoor chime and video work fine


Please can anybody help, I have had no joy contacting sky about this


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This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: indoor camera stopped working for no reason and nothing helps to resolve it

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

There is an email address in the help contact us on the app.


Email the team, describing as you have mentioned above.

They will go through some of the basics you have tried.

Expect, they will be able to send out a new indoor camera if it looks like a firmware update may not have been taken well or similar on your camera.


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