Discussion topic: Sky protect indoor camera video not working

This message was authored by 66roadie This message was authored by: 66roadie

Sky protect indoor camera video not working

Sky protect indoor camera is connected (or so it says) however, the video has stopped working on it. 
I have removed and reset numerous times but to no avail, has anyone else encountered this problem of late?


All Replies

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Sky protect indoor camera video not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Would suggest removing the sensor bridge on the indoor camera, then removing the usb power from the indoor camera for at least ten minutes. At this point, also restart your broadband router.

Replace the power to the indoor camera and let it try to reconnect and only if it fails to connect after say ten to fifteen minutes follow the app setup help for reconnecting to your router.

You can then readd the sensor bridge and go round to each door/ motionsensor and leak sensor to wake them up with that sensor bridge.

Just wipe the bottom of the leak sensor to wake it up. Walk past the motion sensor and open and close the door sensors


If the above does not work would suggest contacting the Sky Protect support team.

Within the app, select the ?
Click on the blue support button
Select Get in touch.
The email address and a support phone number are there

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
Topic Author
This message was authored by 66roadie This message was authored by: 66roadie

Re: Sky protect indoor camera video not working

Tried all that to no avail, but thank you for your suggestions  👍 

have now phone the tech team (?)  who are sending me a replacement unit so fingers crossed this one last longer.

Topic Author
This message was authored by 66roadie This message was authored by: 66roadie

Re: Sky protect indoor camera video not working

To close this thread I thought I would update you all.

the new indoor camera arrived today in a very battered  outer box with the security tag broken!! fortunately the inner box containing the camera was undamaged and unopened.

duly unboxed and installed the camera - working now just as it should.

strange thing though on the original as I reset it this morning and whilst I had no visual of the video on my phone it did record my movements  ground that out on playback.

Anyway swapped out and all is well - for how long who knows... thinking of junking the whole lot and purchasing a  EUFY 340 system.


This message was authored by karetaker This message was authored by: karetaker

Re: Sky protect indoor camera video not working

Are you by any chance using an AD Blocker on the devices you use to view the camera. If so this is the problem and you need to disable the ad blocker


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