29 Jan 2024 04:45 PM
I have set up the chime and video door bell as instructed, and turned the volume to maximum but we still cannot hear it. Is it supposed to sound on your smart phones well? We only get a notification that someone has been seen but not if they ring the doorbell. If that is the case, the solution will not work for us. HELP 😩😩
29 Jan 2024 08:26 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@JenR wrote:
I have set up the chime and video door bell as instructed, and turned the volume to maximum but we still cannot hear it. Is it supposed to sound on your smart phones well? We only get a notification that someone has been seen but not if they ring the doorbell. If that is the case, the solution will not work for us. HELP 😩😩
@JenR it should also inform you when the bell has been pressed this is set up in the app
29 Jan 2024 09:49 PM
Thanks, I cannot get it to set up in the app. Any advice as to the steps to make it work?
30 Jan 2024 09:30 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@JenR wrote:
Thanks, I cannot get it to set up in the app. Any advice as to the steps to make it work?
@JenR when you open the Sky protect app where it says cameras click on the video doorbell when that opens at the top of that screen on the right hand side is a cogwheel for setting click on this and it ill take you intothe settings
goto the Video doorbell settings click on the chime sounds and there is an option in there to toggle the doorbell sound on or off and how load the sound is and hat sound you hear
remember wnen finished to press the save button at the bottom