Discussion topic: sim upgrade reverse

This message was authored by GDV1 This message was authored by: GDV1

sim upgrade reverse

I noticed I was paying £24 for my sim plan so decided to downgrade as I wasn’t using my monthly data allowance. I downgraded to £16 a month for less data but when I go to see my new bill I'm actually now paying more overall? 
My next bill hasn't come out yet and I was hoping to just reverse what I've done. Does anyone know if this is possible or why my bill is now costing me more?


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: sim upgrade reverse

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

It might be part of the bill you are paying for the £24 sim and the other part for the £16 one, if this is the case then it should correct itself on a future bill.

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