Discussion topic: Unable to link existing Sky mobiles to mySky app

This message was authored by Vallais This message was authored by: Vallais

Unable to link existing Sky mobiles to mySky app

Unable to link existing Sky mobiles to mySky app Which means I cnt view bills or benefit from the piggybank data rollover



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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Unable to link existing Sky mobiles to mySky app

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

What is happenung when you try to link your mobile account to your Sky ID as per this:



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This message was authored by ClaireMG This message was authored by: ClaireMG

Re: Unable to link existing Sky mobiles to mySky app

I have the same problem. No one can help but if I go into sky.com i can see what I need. I have sky glass

This message was authored by JNB1 This message was authored by: JNB1

Re: Unable to link existing Sky mobiles to mySky app

I have never been able to link my two numbers, spent MANY hours on the phone to Sky cust service and engineers over the 3+yrs. Can't view the Piggybank so sometimes get charged extra for database use. Really bad customer service, and I am a VIP customer apparently 😞


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