Discussion topic: Sim not working

This message was authored by Daniela8 This message was authored by: Daniela8

Sim not working

I joined sky months ago and wanted to keep my number fr my older provider. I did manage to do that to then find out that I was meant to activate the card in order to use roaming out of the UK.

i then found out that Sky charges £2 per day on roaming and since I travel a lot this was not convenient for me. Not sure what I have done with the eSIM as I was trying to call them with no luck... data went completely I was not able to use even the phisical card. 

now I purchased a new sim from 3. 
is there any way for me to keep the old number? And how do I cancel my sim contract with Sky?? 


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This message was authored by 63johnw This message was authored by: 63johnw

Re: Sim not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Daniela8  if you have only had your sky sim a few months then there would be early termination charges if you cancel it before the 12 month minimum term. To keep your number (if it's still active) you need to get a PAC from sky and give that the 3 and then your old number will replace the new 3 number. 




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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Sim not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If you joined Sky months ago then you are in a 12 month contract for the sim so it can't be cancelled and if you do move the number elsewhere you could be charged an early termination fee.


You don't activate the sim card just to use it outside of the UK as it has to be activated as soon as you receive it or you will be unable to use it in any device.


Have you converted the physical sim to an esim as it isn't clear if you have, if you haven't then this is what you need to do:



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This message was authored by Brijeshpatel This message was authored by: Brijeshpatel

Re: Sim not working

How many days come I already send msg because not coming 

This message was authored by Brijeshpatel This message was authored by: Brijeshpatel

Re: Sim not working

How to my sim new send home  and how many days


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