Discussion topic: Primary Network Not connected

This message was authored by HELP21 This message was authored by: HELP21

Primary Network Not connected



So thought it would be easy transferred mobile numbr from vodafone to Sky - wa going well until i got a text 2 days ago saing th enumber had transferrreed - not that easy now i have no primary network, the last couule of days  talking to many people and being told to do the same thing oer and over again - i actually dont think they get it - yes the number has been transferred yes under travel it shows sky - but no primary network - it really doesnt matter how manytimes you tell me to switch the phone off and reset the network it int workingggg!!!!! So again waiting fo someone to call me back due to fly out of the country at the weekend. - wished I never transferred number - any ideas anyone because sky dont know>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 


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This message was authored by rhutchy221 This message was authored by: rhutchy221

Re: Primary Network Not connected

Did you find out what was the issue ? As I'm having the same problem ! 

This message was authored by rhutchy221 This message was authored by: rhutchy221

Phone issues ! Primary -travel

I changed my phone number from EE to Sky, but for some reason it's showing two profiles for my phones sim, one travel and the other primary.. but I can't call out and I have no internet on my phone. 

why is there two sims ? The primary and travel what's the purpose?. 

I've done a reset on my network, still nothing. Hoping someone has some answers 

This message was authored by JDeeIE This message was authored by: JDeeIE

Re: Primary Network Not connected

You should delete the primary sim if you ported the number out (assuming it's a eSIM) or remove the old physical (primary) sim (it should be fullt disconnected anyway). 


If a phone is reporting to network the same number on two sims it will cause a confliction.  

This message was authored by Darren+V This message was authored by: Darren+V

Re: Primary Network Not connected

Has anyone managed to get theres sorted as both mine & my wifes have the same issue i took my number over from vodfone but have no primary line, sky havent got a clue why 

This message was authored by Darren+V This message was authored by: Darren+V

Re: Primary Network Not connected

did you get yours sorted as we have the same problem?



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